Artist: Brown Sawyer | Song: Sweet Mary Cried

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Brown Sawyer, Sweet Mary Cried Tabs

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Country Tabs > Sawyer Brown Tabs > Sweet Mary Cried

Artist/Band: Sawyer Brown Tabs
Song: Sweet Mary Cried Tab

Sawyer Brown
�Sweet Mary Cried�
�Halleluiah He is Born� Album

Intro/Rhythm (Key of E)
keep repeating during intro & verses

Verse 1
E         A         E                    A
Mary, the Son of God is sleeping in your bed
E           A           E                E
It's a holy mighty crown that awaits His head
B                        A            E
But that's not who sweet Mary sees at all
           B             A          E
She sees a precious baby lying in a manger stall
Oh but He deserves more than this
     E                      B
This child whose know God's kiss

    E           A
And Mary, sweet Mary cries
    B                                 E            A-B-E
And prays inside her heart for God to dry her eyes
    E         A                B                  A
And Mary, she understands that we're all in God's hands
      B             A         B     E
Every mother, every child and sweet Mary cries

Verse 2, same chords
When the boy became a man they took Him away
He who was without sin was made to pay
When Mary looks upon the cross
She sees that precious baby lying in a manger stall
Oh but when she sees His face
Her heart can't help but break



With all this celebrating we get lost along the way
When we forget the reason why we have a Christmas Day


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.