Artist: Brown Sawyer | Song: Still Water (intro And Walkups)

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Brown Sawyer, Still Water (intro And Walkups) Tabs

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Country Tabs > Sawyer Brown Tabs > Still Water (intro And Walkups)

Artist/Band: Sawyer Brown Tabs
Song: Still Water (intro And Walkups) Tab

Sawyer Brown duet With Donna McElroy
�Still Water�
�Buick� Album

Piano Intro for Guitar

Verse 1-Mark Miller
Bb   C            F
Lord I talk too much
Bb            F          Bb  C     F
Say the wrong thing time and time again
Bb    C                 F
Still when times get rough
Bb           F          Dm        F           C
Yours is the voice that says I can come home again

F C              F* (walk-up to Bb)*
Beside the still water     		e-------------1
Bb   C			  F	C   	    B-------------3
This world can�t touch me   	G---0-2----3
F         C			    	    D-3-----3--3
You�re my shield		   		A-------------1
		F             Bb       	E-------------1
You�re my true friend indeed
Bb               Dm    C  No chords       F right into V.2              
You�re the still water....where I find my peace

Verse 2- Donna McElroy (same chords)
When I feel afar from you
All I need to do is sit and whisper your name
You�re the one place I know
Where I can go and find love that never will change

*Bridge Chords coming soon*

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.