Artist: Randy Rogers Band | Song: I Met Lonely Tonight

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Randy Rogers Band, I Met Lonely Tonight Tabs

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Country Tabs > Randy Rogers Band Tabs > I Met Lonely Tonight

Artist/Band: Randy Rogers Band Tabs
Song: I Met Lonely Tonight Tab

Intro G

Verse 1
I met lonely tonight 
 	   Cadd9 	  	       G
She was sitting at a table by a neon light
Cadd9 	  	               Em
Pretending everything was gonna be just fine
Cadd9 	  	  	       D
I wish I could tell you what was on her mind

Verse 2
I met lonely tonight 
 	 Cadd9 	  	  	   G
He was walking down the street in the pouring rain 
Cadd9 	  	        Em 	  	 
Trying to find someone else to blame 
Cadd9 	  	  	      D
I wish that I would�ve caught his name 

      Cadd9 	           Em 	 
I met lonely tonight and I didn�t know what to do
      Cadd9 	  	   D
I met lonely tonight, it reminded me of you
           Am             Em 	       G    /    C
And I know that its not right, I didn�t come here to fight
    C 	  	      D              G
Yeah, but I met lonely tonight

Verse 3
I met lonely tonight
 	      Cadd9 	  	 G
She was standing by herself waiting for the bus
Cadd9 	  	  	 Em
Pretty sure she�d already given up
Cadd9 	  	     D
That�s what made me think about us

Repeat Chorus

 	         D 	         Cadd9 	  	 G
So tell me to leave when I do I�ll lock the door
  Am 	  	     C 	  	       D
I understand that you don�t want me anymore
Break: Cadd9 Em Cadd9 D
       Am 	  	     Em
And I know that its not right 
 	  G     /     C
I didn�t come here to fight
    C 	  	 D         G
Yeah, but I met lonely tonight
I met lonely tonight 
Cadd9 	  	  	  	  	      G
I was staring in the mirror so I closed my eyes

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.