Artist: John Michael Montgomery | Song: The Little Girl 6

 John Michael Montgomery - The Little Girl 6 Tab   Browse by artist name: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

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John Michael Montgomery, The Little Girl 6 Tabs

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Country Tabs > Montgomery John Michael Tabs > The Little Girl 6

Artist/Band: Montgomery John Michael Tabs
Song: The Little Girl 6 Tab

The Little Girl
John Michael Montgomery
Brand New Me
Writer: Harley Allen
Interpreted by Jason Herndon ([email protected])
Ok, There's so many posts of this one I wouldn't have sent this in if I didn't think I had nailed it! Thanks to all of those who have submitted this song your work underlies this. Enjoy

Tuning: 6=D, 5=A, 4=D, 3=G, 2=B, 1=E (Dropped D)

CAPO 1--very important (to match recording)

Intro: (can be played under the verses also)

Intro:  C      Csus2  C     Csus2 C    G  C

  C                           Csus2         C 
1 Her parents never took the young girl to church
2 Her daddy drank all day and momma did drugs
3 And like it always does the bad just got worse
4 The first day of sunday school the teacher walked in

          Dm         C              Am         G
  Never spoke of His name; never read her His word
  Never wanted to play or give kisses and hugs
  With every slap and every curse
  And a small little girl stared at a picture of Him

  C                         Csus2             C
  Two non believers walkin lost through this world
  She'd watch the TV and sit there on the couch
  Until her daddy in a drunk rage one night
  She said I know that man up there on that cross
             Dm          C          Am          G
  Took their baby with them, what a sad little girl
  While mom fell asleep and her daddy went out.
  pulled a gun on her mom and then took his life
  I don't know His name but I know He got off


          G/A       Am           G/B       F
1 And the drink  -  ing and the fight  -  ing
2 Then   some   people from the  ci  -  ty 
3 He was there      in   my      old    house

   C                    G
  just got worse every night
  took the girl far away
  and held me close to His side

          G/A   Am            G/B    F
  Behind their couch she'd be hid - ing
  Too a  new   mom and a     new    dad
  AsI    hid   there         our   couch  

 C                     G
  Oh what a sad little life
  kisses and hugs everyday
  the night that my parents died

play intro again, and to end the song

    C  Csus2  Dm   Am   G   G/A   G/B  F   

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  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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