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, For Karrie Tabs

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Country Tabs > Mark Brine Tabs > For Karrie

Artist/Band: Mark Brine Tabs
Song: For Karrie Tab

Mark Brine - For Karrie


   D             A         G               
I wish � I could write � a song FOR KARRIE
 C              G           D          
One that would win her love for me
              G              D         
'Cause, for Karrie I would give my soul
               G                    D               
'N tho that cliche might be overused 'n old
     G               D              C                   
It's just so true � of what I feel � for Karrie

D                                     A           G
If I could only put in notes � what I feel � for Karrie
   C                    G                      D    
'N find the choicest lyrics 'n word them perfectly
      G                 D    
'N place them just so right
            G                 D           
None that seem the slightest trite
           G         D                        C            
Oh, how I wish � I could write a masterpiece � for Karrie


 F                C             
for Karrie is my every girl
     F                        C          
My one 'n only true love in this world
But, she doesn't know
         C        D      
What I truly feel in me
      F                      C               
She thinks I'm just another fool in love
         F                   C           
With her natural, pure femininity
           F                  C    
But, it's so much more than that
That makes me yearn � for Karrie

Am D A G C G D

              D               A                G          
If I could serenade � like Romeo � beneath her window
      C                   G              D        
A romantic piece I'd composed 'n maybe win her
           G          D          G      D                 
But, my poetry's so weak � it'd need be so unique
             G                        D      C             
To be like some knight � in shining armour � for Karrie 

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.