Artist: Jerry Lee Lewis | Song: Tomorrow May Mean Goodbye

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Jerry Lee Lewis, Tomorrow May Mean Goodbye Tabs

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Country Tabs > Lewis Jerry Lee Tabs > Tomorrow May Mean Goodbye

Artist/Band: Lewis Jerry Lee Tabs
Song: Tomorrow May Mean Goodbye Tab

Tomorrow May Mean Goodbye  (Track #13)
Jerry Lee Lewis
(J.B. Coats)
Album: In Loving Memories (Live Recording 1970)
Transcriber: [email protected]

Thought I might better do that
Just to show ya I could still do it.

If they wanna know what I'm talkin' about on this recording
I just, flung my heel up on, my boot up on the piano, there.
Easy like, I didn't hurt it, Brother Davis!
Brother Davis got an evil eye on this piano, tonight.
I'm not gonna jump up on it, Brother, I guarantee.
Not tonight. Ah-ha-ha-ha.

Song Begins:

Yes, tomorrow may mean goodbye
We never, we never know when or why
God calls us away, when life seems so gay
Our bodies in dust to lie

Tomorrow our souls may sigh (may sigh)
For beauty we let slip by
Oh, listen to me today
Fall down on your knees and pray
Cause tomorrow, Hallelujah!
May mean goodbye

I said tomorrow it may mean goodbye
Think about it now
My Lord, we never know when or why
My God calls us away when life seems so gay
Our bodies in dust we're gonna lie

Yes, tomorrow our soul my sigh
Why don't ya think about it?
Of beauties we've let slip by
So, listen to old Jerry, today
Fall down upon your knees and pray
Cause tomorrow may mean goodbye
(You've gotta die)
Yes, tomorrow may mean goodbye.

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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