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, His Way Tabs

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Artist/Band: Lake Fork Verne Tabs
Song: His Way Tab

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His Way
Copyright by:  Verne Garrison 
March 21, 2009
Banjo tuned E, Key D, No capo 

His Way

     D                         G           D
I was cleaning scrub-pine from plot number one,
Working steady since very early morning sun
           D                           G          D
Using the Vermeer tree spade with the front-end blade
                                       A      D
And feeling pleased with the progress I had made

                             G            D
Pushing the pine-brush into really high piles
Keeping the soil level and smoothe, all the while
         D                G          D
Earlier that day, I had started the fire
                              A          D
Not knowing that things were about to be dire

                                   G         D 
The fuel-line at the gas tank, had sprung a leak
I would have never had known it, without the peek
        D                      G        D
Cause another push toward the roaring flames
                                   A    D
Would have brought me to the end of my game

     G                                     D
Now, they say the Higher Power, He sees it all
And I know He was watching me, late last Fall
        D              G          D
He made me aware and directed my gaze
                                 A         D
And kept me safe in spite of my reckless ways

                      G               D
Now I know there are days, that I can say
I want to do things, and do them my way
          D                          G     D
But then, I need to remember how it really is,
                            A   D 
Its not my way that counts, but His 

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