Artist: Waylon Jennings | Song: You Beat All Ive Ever Seen

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Waylon Jennings, You Beat All Ive Ever Seen Tabs

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Country Tabs > Jennings Waylon Tabs > You Beat All Ive Ever Seen

Artist/Band: Jennings Waylon Tabs
Song: You Beat All Ive Ever Seen Tab

 ��������transcribed by Bill Evans, [email protected]

 ��� sung by Waylon Jennings

 ��� D
 ��� I've walked through many towns 
 ��� G
 ��� with fortune lost and found.
 ������������ A
 ��� Seen the beauty of this land 
 ������������������������� D
 ��� made by nature and by man.
 ��� D
 ��� But, when I leave I don't look back 
 ��� G
 ��� for I've only left my tracks.
 �������� A
 ��� I've crossed burning bridges, 
 ��� walked through miles of sand.

 ��� Seen the lawless and the law.� 
 ����������������������� D
 ��� You beat all I ever saw.

 ��� D
 ��� I've dreamed a million miles
 ��� G
 ��� about your eyes and smiles.
 ����� A
 ��� I know I've loved the best.
 ��������������������������� D
 ��� I can't be content with less.
 ��� D
 ��� I've scanned the skies of blue
 ��� G
 ��� for just one glimpse of you.
 �������� A
 ��� But, they threw away the mold

 ��� of a love that's grown so cold.

 ��� Your heart could never thaw.
 ����������������������� D
 ��� You beat all I ever saw.


 Billy Evans
 Liberty Hill, Texas 

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2005 - 2012
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  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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