Artist: Alan Jackson | Song: If I Had You

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Alan Jackson, If I Had You Tabs

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Country Tabs > Jackson Alan Tabs > If I Had You

Artist/Band: Jackson Alan Tabs
Song: If I Had You Tab

[D]If I could have you
I know what I[A]'d Do 
This time I'd [G]be true
If I had y[D]ou              [A]

If you could b[D]e mine I'd walk that str[A]aight line
There'd be no b[G]ad times[A]   If I had y[D]ou 


I made the w[G]orst mistak[A]e One fool could ev[D]er make
Tell me it's n[Bm]ot too late [Em7]what can I d[A]o . 
If I could h[D]old you tight Id have the w[A]orld tonight
Everything would [G]be alright [A]If I had y[D]ou.

Repeat Chorus

Ever[D]ything would [A]be alright [G]If I had y[D]ou 

Enjoy !!
( Tex )  [email protected] 

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.