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, He Reached Down Tabs

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Country Tabs > Iris DeMent Tabs > He Reached Down

Artist/Band: Iris DeMent Tabs
Song: He Reached Down Tab

He Reached Down

(Verse 1)
C                            F           C
A certain man one day did go down to Jericho
              G7                C
Fallin� among thieves along the way
Well they stripped him then they fled
F               C
Leaving him for dead
             G7          C
Lying on the side of the road

And then the priest came passing by
           F                 C
He crossed over to the other side
                         G7              C
Then the Levite came and he did just the same
When the Samaritan heard his cry
        F                 C
He just could not pass on by
                             G7                     C
He dressed his wounds and he carried to the nearest inn

Well he reached down, he reached down
       F                  C
He got right there on the ground
He reached down, he reached down
And he touched the pain

He paid the keeper the amount that was due
            F                              C
If you need more he said I�m good for that too
He reached down, he reached down
And he touched the pain

(Verse 2)
And then the Scribes in the Pharisee
Brought the adultress in for Jesus to see
Lord, she�s sinned, now the law says she must be stoned
If there�s a one of you that�s without sin
Said you can cast the first stone in
One by one they left, leaving Jesus and the woman alone

 Sing Chorus >

Well no accusers are left that I see
And Woman, neither do I condemn thee
He reached down, he reached down
And he touched the pain

 Guitar Solo >

(Verse 3)
In the (Bible??) a story is told
About a traveler at the end of life�s road
He�s at the gates of the Kingdom and the Master says �Come on in�
For I was hungry and you gave me meat
I was cold you put shoes on my feet
When I was in prison there was you who come to see about me

(Chorus � Modified)
Well you reached down, you reached down
You got right there on the ground
You reached down, you reached down
And you touched my pain

When you�re debted to the least of these
He said you were doin� it unto me
You reached down, you reached down
And you touched my pain

Well he reached down, he reached down
And he touched the pain


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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