Artist: Holiday | Song: A Baby Just Like You

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Holiday, A Baby Just Like You Tabs

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Country Tabs > Holiday Tabs > A Baby Just Like You

Artist/Band: Holiday Tabs
Song: A Baby Just Like You Tab

From: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 94 04:32:43 EST
Organization: Heller Information Services, Inc.
X-Newsreader: TPCB 0.5
Lines: 29

John Denver, J. Henry (c) 1975

The season is upon us now [D A7 G D]
A time for gifts and giving [G A D]
And as the year draws to its close [D A7 G D]
I think about my living [Em7 A7 D]

The Christmas time when I was young, The magic and the wonder, But colors 
dull and candles dim, And dark my standing under 

Oh little Zachary, shining light [Bm E A G]
You�ve set my soul to dreaming [D A7 D]
You�ve given back my joy in life [Bm E A G]
And filled me with new meaning [D A7 D]

A Savior King was born that day, A baby just like you, And as the Magi 
came with gifts, I come with my gift too

That peace on Earth fills up your time, That brotherhood surrounds you. 
That you may know the warmth of love, And wrap it all around you

It�s just a wish, a dream I�m told [Bm E7 A G]
From days when I was young [D A7 D]
Merry Christmas, little Zachary [G A7 D Bm]
Merry Christmas, ev�ryone [Em A7 D]
Merry Christmas, little Zachary [G A7 D Bm]
Merry Christmas, ev�ryone [Em A7 D]

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