Artist: John Denver | Song: Dont Get Drunk Christmas 2

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John Denver, Dont Get Drunk Christmas 2 Tabs

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Country Tabs > Denver John Tabs > Dont Get Drunk Christmas 2

Artist/Band: Denver John Tabs
Song: Dont Get Drunk Christmas 2 Tab

submitted by: [email protected]

"Please Daddy Don't Get Drunk This Christmas"
John Denver
Rocky Mountain Christmas

    C                                       F
Please Daddy, don't get drunk this Christmas
C                                                G       G7
I don't want to see my mama cry(yy-yyy-yy 2nd chorus only)
     C                                         F
Ple-ease Daddy, don't get drunk this Christmas
C                      G7                    C
I don't want to see my mama cry.

   G                          G7               C
Just last year when I was only seven
  G                         G7                    C
Now I'm almost eight, as you can see
  C                             C7                   F      D7
You came home a quarter past eleven
         C                        G7                              C
And fell down underneath our Christmas tree.

chorus w/2nd chorus only change

   G                             G7                      C
Mama smiled and looked outside the window
  G                        G7                               C
She told me "Son, you'd better go upstairs."
   C                                    C7                        F
Then you laughed and hollered "Merry Christmas!"
    C                            G7                         C
I turned around and saw my mama's tears

chorus and then to end

     G                        G7                    F               C
C7(big finish)
No I don't want to see my mama cry-yy-yyy

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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