Artist: Elizabeth Cook | Song: Always Tomorrow

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Elizabeth Cook, Always Tomorrow Tabs

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Country Tabs > Cook Elizabeth Tabs > Always Tomorrow

Artist/Band: Cook Elizabeth Tabs
Song: Always Tomorrow Tab

Intro D

You don�t like the way things are
You can wish upon a star
D-D7-G              D
     There�s always tomorrow

Things don�t work out like you planned
And you�ve had all you can stand
Well, there�s always tomorrow
      A                            D
Oh on your bad days there�s always tomorrow

You got the whole world by the tail
And it seems like you can�t fail
There�s always tomorrow

Oh on your best days there�s always tomorrow

Instrumental (Use chords from 2nd verse)

When you finally leave this place
This�ll be your saving grace
To me, There�s always tomorrow

Oh on your bad days there�s always tomorrow
And on your best days there�s always tomorrow
Oh and come what may, there�s always tomorrow

Instrumental (Play 1st verse then 2nd verse chords twice then play D to end) 

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.