Artist: Mary Chapin Carpenter | Song: The Last Word

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Mary Chapin Carpenter, The Last Word Tabs

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Country Tabs > Carpenter Mary Chapin Tabs > The Last Word

Artist/Band: Carpenter Mary Chapin Tabs
Song: The Last Word Tab

Date: 6 Oct 1994 19:55:31 GMT
Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz
Lines: 49
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #3 (NOV)

THE LAST WORD (Mary Chapin Carpenter)
[This song is weird.  It's in Eb, but the electric guitar in the intro
 is playing what sound like open strings.  I think that the electric is
 tuned down a half step.  I suspect that Mary Chapin plays it in C with
 a capo on the 3rd fret, or in D with a capo at the first fret, which is
 how I've written it here.]
        D       A         G      A                 D     A        G    A
You can have it, I don't want it, and when you've got it, I'll be gone
         Bm    A            D     G         D     A             D - Dsus  D
It won't matter what you're saying when the damage has all been done
Em7             D/F#           G              A 
  Can't seem to keep the faith, as if that's all I need to do
Em7          D/F#          G             A - Asus - A
  I'd rather walk away than take what belongs to you
You can have it, I don't want it, and when you've got it, I'll be gone
It won't matter what you're saying when the damage has all been done
Some words will cut you down like you were only in the way
Why should I stand ths ground, it won't hurt as much to say
You can have it, I don't want it, and when you've got it, I'll be gone
It won't matter what you're saying when the damage has all been done
Sometimes we're blinded by the very thing we need to see
I finally realized that you need it more than you need me
        D       A         G      A                 D     A        G    A
You can have it, I don't want it, and when you've got it, I'll be gone
         Bm    A            D     G         D     A             Bm    G
It won't matter what you're saying when the damage has all been done
    D     A       G(9)      Asus - A
The damage has all been done
D  A  G  A    D  A  G  A    Bm  A  D  G    D  A  D.
[guitar solo]

Adam Schneider             [email protected]           Minneapolis, MN
          Mail me if you want guitar chords for Mary-Chapin Carpenter,
               Indigo Girls, Suzanne Vega, Lucinda Williams, etc.

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