Artist: John Anderson | Song: I Can't Take Another Heartache

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John Anderson, I Can't Take Another Heartache Tabs

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Country Tabs > Anderson John Tabs > I Can't Take Another Heartache

Artist/Band: Anderson John Tabs
Song: I Can't Take Another Heartache Tab

I Can�t Take Another Heartache
By John Anderson

Lips, tell me she was lying
Eyes, tell me you�re not crying
Arms, tell me you�re not empty now

Hands, say that you�re not shaking
Mind, hear that silence breaking
Please, help me stop the pain somehow

        F            C
I can�t take another heartache
        Bb             F
And I�m so afraid it�s too late
      F                  C
I can feel the hurt it�s starting
        Bb           F
I can�t take another heartache

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.